Update | Bug Fixes

Update | Bug Fixes

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Lorex Cloud app Update - Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to delete a device
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to play a recording
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to share a recording
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to delete a recording
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to edit a device
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to add a device
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to log out
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to change the password
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to view the event history
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to view the settings
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to view the about page